If your club uses Stages Studio as their booking app, you can book classes right from your Stages Studio account. If your club uses Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software such as MindBody, zingfit, or FitMetrix for class management, you need to book your classes using the CRM.

To book a class:

  1. Log in to StagesCloud.com using your account credentials.
  2. On the left-hand side of the menu, click on BOOKING.
  3. Click on BOOK NOW.
  4. The available classes for your club are displayed. You can use the scroll bar, or select a day on the calendar and look for classes that you want to book. The class name, time, and instructor information are shown for each class.
  5. Once you find the class you want to book, simply click on it
  6. Click on BOOK NOW.
  7. Use the arrows to scroll through the bikes, or click on the bike number you want to book.
  8. Click on the number under SELECT BIKE.
  9. Double-check the information, then click CONFIRM BOOKING.
  10. Your booking is confirmed.
  11. Follow the same steps to book additional classes.
  12. Click on the BACK ARROW to return to the main menu.
  13. The classes you just booked are listed on your booking dashboard.

To edit a class booking:

  1. To edit a booking, click on the class you want to change.
  2. Click on CHANGE BOOKING to change to the bike you reserved.
  3. Click on DELETE BOOKING to delete the booking from your classes.

When the class starts, your user name will show up on the bike gauge that you booked, and you are ready to have a personalized experience, after which you’ll receive a post-workout email with the details of your ride.

See related article:  How to book a class at your studio using the Stages Studio+ app