To delete your Stages Studio account in the Studio+ app, tap your member image in the upper left corner, then tap the settings icon > Account > then select Delete Account from the bottom of the page. Type your password again to confirm the account deletion. On the website, click on Settings (lower left) > Account > Delete account

Deleting your account will permanently delete:

  • All of your personal information and login credentials
  • All of your activity data
  • Your associated club(s) and location ID(s)
  • If you are an instructor, your plans will be disassociated with your user account and will still be available for the club to use. 

Your account is deleted immediately, but your activity data may take up to 30 days to completely remove from our system. This data cannot be recovered after you have initiated the account deletion. 

If you receive this error, your account is managed by your organization. Contact your club administrator to delete your account or if you are unaware of the administrator, submit a new ticket with Stages Cycling