Preventative maintenance will help keep your bike(s) in good working condition and running smoothly. Each task is easy to perform and will help avoid future issues, which can occur if the bike(s) are not properly maintained.


  • After each ride, wipe down all bikes using mild soap and water or a mild cleaner - do not use products with ammonium chloride to clean the bikes.
    How to clean a Stages indoor bike




Stages Solo and Les Mills Virtual Bikes

In addition to the applicable tasks listed above:

  • After each ride, use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the tablet display. Do not spray any liquids directly onto the tablet.
  • If not downloaded automatically, check for Solo software updates. Note: the Solo bike should be connected to the internet at all times.

    How to check the software version on your Stages Solo tablet

  • The LMVB should be connected to the internet at all times. Software updates will occur automatically.

For additional assistance, please contact Support at Stages Cycling.

A printer-friendly PDF of the preventative maintenance tasks is attached.